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/ Key Fonts Pro 3,003 / Key Fonts Pro 3003.iso / psfonts / t / truns___.pfb / truns___.otf (.png)
OpenType Font  |  1980-01-02  |  35KB
Labels: fence | fountain | grass | lodestone | person | reckoner | sky | tree
OCR: ABCDEF GHIKUMNOPORSTUVWXYZ 0123456789 ~!@#$2*() +=><.[[]// Thegrickkrewn nfoxjempsever thelazydog Theg uick e k kbrow fox jumps over thelazy dog The guick hrownf fox jum ps 10 thelazy dog. The quick krow n fox iumps over thelazy dog. The quic brow fox um ps over thelazy og. The a ui 11! brow fox um ps over thelazy ABCVEF geick kbrewa jempsever krown hrow